Celebrating 60 Years
Founded in 1960 by Henry Kaminski and His son Ronald, Kaminski Meats has been a family run operation for 60 years and continues to provide quality pork products everyday. Located on the South Side of Chicago at 37th and Halsted, our early rising company starts every day at 4:00 AM and begins to fill orders for meat distributors and sausage makers in the Chicagoland area and all around the country. We pride ourselves on being able to remain a strong pork supplier throughout the years by delivering safe and wholesome products without compromise. Celebrating our 60th year anniversary would not be possible without the continued support of our suppliers and customers. We greatly thank you for your continued support.
- The Kaminski Meats Family

Premium Pork Products
Here at Kaminski Meats we pride ourselves in delivering top quality cuts of pork for all our customers. We specialize in the Italian market for Sausage, Capocollo and Dry Salami. We also supply product used especially for BBQ Pulled Pork and other Sausages.
Bone In Butts
This is the Pork shoulder that comes with the blade bone in and can be sold as is or with any level of fat trimmed off.
Blade Meat
The other half of the Shoulder butt is the Blade Meat. This is the very lean meat surrounding the shoulder blade bone and once removed is perfect for any sausage or salami.
Boneless Shoulder Butts
After the shoulder blade is removed you are left with a product usually used by sausage makers or to make pulled pork. This can also come with any level of fat trimmed off.
Pork Trimmings
We offer two different types of trimming, 50% and 80%. Our trimmings come from the removed fat on the whole shoulder butt and when making custom CT orders.
CT Butts
The CT is our most popular product and often used for Capocollo, smoked butt, or sausage making and can be ordered with a very lean trim or with any amount of fat left on.
Boneless Picnics
The Picnic comes off of the front pork leg and consists of 85% lean meat and is normally used for sausage.
All of our products can be ordered in a variety of sizes or quantities. Starting out small we offer 25 or 30 pound boxes, then move up to 50 and 60 pound boxes. Lastly, for larger needs, we can supply Combo Bin orders from 1000 to 2300 pounds.